Thursday, May 5, 2022
It starts innocently and innocuously.
All it takes is a trigger – that moment of clarity, curiosity or rage.
Or a moment of exquisite something.
Or a moment of painful surprise.
Ouch, uh-oh, oh-my, or isn’t that interesting?
These prompts are everywhere; just turn your head or open your eyes – you can’t miss them.
Every writer knows this.
Many non-writers probably feel blocked from thinking about it because it seems so formidable.
And you don’t have to write it all at once.
Leaving something to fester, to curdle a while, in a DRAFT file is helpful. It saves me from writing hastily sent cranky-grams, and sometimes I just need to stare a few extra minutes at what is on the page – and then it becomes clear; I either delete it, I’m done with it, or I know EXACTLY what I need to say and I pick up the phone.
Saving things to DRAFT and never sending them is often a valuable, or better said: a not so costly choice.
Reader feedback:
Will definitely get the Book. Sounds intriguing. P.S. How's your Book Coming? , MJ, Calgary, AB
Thank you for your lovely column about my novel. I appreciate your thoughtful support, and your encouragement means the world to me. When I read a few pages from my novel on launch day, I looked into the faces of family and friends like you, and my heart swelled with such joy. Thank you, Mark. You are a kind soul, KK, Calgary, AB