Tuesday May 9, 2017
Is there sense to be made of daily grinding?
If it’s just drone work, factory work – going through motions work, then it is hard to find joy, but when we have our heart in it, it is going through emotions work … and then it all matters.
I was down and then I went up.
Some days that describes my weight, some days that describes my spirit – often it describes both. And I wonder, if there is some other mind-state, would be neutrality/semi-consciousness or, would be up or down to some exponential extreme rendering mere manic-depressives as amateurs? Not to put down the bi-polar, but to make the point about gigantic joy or colossal desperation (without drugs or mental illness) – just that state of bliss beyond compare or abject apathetic despondency …
Have we ever know the heights, or the depths, to which people go?
And how would we know until we were there?
I think the reality of life is that we don’t use a large enough magnifying glass; to see the minutia of every little painful thing – and to render large every great thing: that would be a great thing. Understanding ourselves might happen, as might understanding others …
Oh my, look at the time …
More tomorrow, maybe.
Yesterday was a wonderful day in my neighbourhood – maybe tomorrow will be too. Who knows?
And what about you?