Link to - MVP Advanced Toastmasters - (meets 2nd and 4th Thurdays of each month, 7:00PM) - guests always welcome! I am a Charter Member and currrently VP Membership.
Link to: 3500 Foot Club - (meets Wednesdays at 6:30-8:30PM) - guests always welcome! I am a member and currrently VP Membership.
Link to: Spoken Word Toastmasters Club, Calgary, Canada (meets Tuesdays at 5:45PM). I am a former member, club officer and club coach.
In 2004 I responded to an advertisement - someone was organizing a Singles Only Toastmasters club. I'd heard of Toastmasters but alway thought of it as 'something I would do one day', but the 'Singles Only' element caught my attention. I went to an organizational meeting and have, literally, not looked back. I found that public speaking experience helped my writing - and my writing techniques helped me craft speeches that worked. A never ending learning experience.