Sunday Nov. 19, 2017
At every stage of life we have days of weary, days when things don’t look bright, happy or ‘even possible’ going forward. They are bright, they will be happy – and whatever obstacle we face today likely won’t matter much in a year or two from now.
Reflecting on life – so easy when weather is right, when time feels right, when we are feeling alright, when moon shines at night, when adversaries give up without a fight, when we don’t lay awake at night wondering what reason there could be to lay awake at night.
How far can we see – when we climb atop a mountain – see that valley below, look beyond in every direction, how far can we see?
Standing on top of that mountain called yesterday, how far can we see? And binoculars don’t help.
p.s. … about the weather - dry skin/scalp yearns for warmer climes. Chinook breeze shrinks snow, vacillate temperature – recent days more spring-like than November-usual, humidity welcome