Tuesday Nov. 28, 2017
Bone weary, exhausted.
We wake tired bones. Ache when moving (maybe slept in a weird position), sore muscles (maybe we over-strained yesterday), growly tummy (maybe something we ate late) – we calculate excuses and rationalizations – plausible scenarios why we hurt. But is it physical?
If we only examine yesterday’s physical activities that explain pains, aren’t we missing something obvious?
Insult someone hit us with. Indifference someone road blocked us with. Opposition/lack of cooperation someone (pick person/company/organization) confounded us with. Those hurt too, don’t they?
Self-diagnosing causes, but what remedies this; are we ready to figure it out?
Or easier to hiss and moan, explain our limp as ‘old hockey injury’, explain irrational rage triggered by someone being an a-whole, someone pushing painful old buttons?
Cause. Effect. Rationalization.
Not tough to figure out.
Extremely tough to figure out!