Monday Nov. 4, 2013
My morning started early, but not early enough – so much to do, no time to waste, but lessons learned have taught me to be patient, thoughtful, deliberate. Quick action is fine on a Thursday afternoon, knee-jerks are best reserved for Wednesdays, but quiet time in the morning is best savoured on Monday morning. Papers are thin, morning call with my dad goes well (he had a fabulous sleep and is feeling better than usual – woo-hoo!), overnight mailbox had a few but important words for pondering …
Recipe/prescription for Monday morn from Dr. Mark da muser:
Sit quietly.
Commune with nature – go for a walk, stare out a window at snow laden spruce boughs, slip deeply into your meditative state … relax, you are getting vewwwy sleepy.
OK, snap out of that!
WAKE UP. Hey you!
Lets get up and go, shall we.
YES, you, Monday morning-blues you.
Finding inspiration and capability isn’t hard.
It is there, within you.
Unlocking it Monday morning might seem an incredibly difficult task, for lots of reasons that have nothing to do with your capability or energy level – muddied windshield or meetings and last-week leftovers, everyone’s problems coming at you for solution (toughest problems are usually thrown at the most capable people), but managing through is what you do, isn’t it?
If I was 20 years younger . . .
If I could do it over again . . .
If knew then what I know now, wow - things would have been different.
How often do we find ourselves saying these things?
Not aloud, but to ourselves followed by ‘if only’ and ‘I wish’ muttered under our breath, how often those thoughts invade.
Age you are, stage you are at, page you are on – is not a pasture or prison, but a canvas ready to be splashed with colour and dotted with ideas.
Start painting!
Joy comes from working on the possible, unattainable to many, but possible in our minds – that is where, when and how our energy is best spent.
Do, spew, glue, stick with it – hang on, good things = tough rides sometimes, go for it, ache for it, live for it. If you’re up for it.
Mark Kolke
P.S.: in a similar vein as yesterday’s column, I penned a piece I sent to a few muser friends, and to a few mysterious strangers – some of their comments are posted below … thanks so much for your superb and supportive feedback!
column written/ published from Calgary
morning walk: -7C / 20F, light overcast, studded strap-on grippers have my shoes ready for the big hill which is terrain akin to the Khumbu icefall this morning; Gusta pawing at smells she can’t get to because of the ice, invigorating leg stretch on dodgy terrain – back in one piece!
Comments Received:
Good Morning Mark Thank you for this today: “Viewing anything today or tomorrow through lens of yesterday's mistake is logically crazy, but we all do it every day. We should stop that. Right now. Life is ahead.” … Have a great week & an awesome Monday !, JS, Calgary, AB
Bravo. Leap away. I am cheering. The Buddhists talk about awakening. You woke up. Keep on waking up, MH, San Francisco, CA
Our lives are much like an ocean, filled with ebbs and tides, mysteries and wonders, sea creatures and sea monsters. We drift along most of the time experiencing one or all of them at once. It makes us feel, at times, like we have lost our sea legs and even when we leave the waves we still feel as if we are being pushed around by them. I wish you more of life, laughter, love, exceeding of expectations and more of what you are looking for. To take advantage of a cliché; laugh as if no one is listening, dance as if no one is watching, and live life as if no one else matters. It may sound selfish; but it does strike a rather melodious chord when one needs music, GW, Brady, TX
I wish u well. I wish for u only the best. I wish for the same things u wish for, and I will continue to search for things I don't know exist. I have been in a very dark place for most of this year, it's like sleeping endlessly, and I do need to wake up, as well, and just live, IMF, Jakarta, Indonesia
Thoughts on the run (I intended more considered, elaborate reflection but my schedule tells me I'm only fooling myself with that notion). One thing is certain: You are not living a life of quiet desperation. Your unquiet is both eloquent and soul piercing. I've often thought of you as caught between worlds. I wish for you the courage of your conviction to strike a new/altered path, and company along the way. We are in the same age bracket, and occasionally of the same mind. Perhaps courage rubs off. I'll be watching, encouraging, RH, Calgary, AB
What a great realization for you. Yes. Happiness comes from within and you and I and everyone for that matter is exactly where they need to be to learn the lessons that continue growth in body, mind and soul. Step off that cliff bay bee. You will find you always will land on your feet. Giggle Be grateful for waking up today and how blessed you are. Hugs, SR, White Rock, BC
Love this Thank you, JS, Calgary, AB