Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Is it a big issue or a small one?
How quickly can we answer that – make better choices, when to ignore, delete, save/file, diarize for later, delegate/forward, or interrupt what we are doing/lose focus and reply right now?
Dozens of times each day, we make these choices about mail, voice messages, and primarily for how we handle emails; a mix of personal/private, friends/colleagues, and work. Yes, work. I know it should come first, but all those other variables push some things to the front of the line.
After a while, we get so ‘in a familiar rut’ in how we do this critical triage of urgent interruptions comingled with junk mail, time-wasting daily posts (not mine, of course!) to read, spammy solicitations – that we give it less attention because we are on a call, a conference call, a Zoom meeting, watching a webinar, checking social media sites/feeds and this minimized attention only compounds the problem of separating the ‘most important actionable items’ from the waves of debris washing up on the short of our lives – it’s a beach!
p.s. a new definition for incoming: income we are waiting to arrive because it’s coming
Reader feedback:
Sage advise, Mark! Takes a big person to communicate like you suggested, so badly do we all want to be right above being considerate or tolerant, SF, Lethbridge, AB