We can do just about anything alone, but we also need to question whether that is the best way to achieve our goal. Writing is solitary. Eating a meal can be, but likely better shared. Doing our best work can be – but rarely. When we team-up, partner-up and collaborate we make trade-offs; total control vs. sharing. Loss of autonomy vs. being stronger, smarter, better (though rarely quicker).
Speed – from thought, to decision, to action, to results – appears to be about control, doesn’t it? Don’t have to consult with anyone, wait for anyone or deal with anyone else’s problems or issues. If we are solo, freelancers, independent that doesn’t matter much. But if we are teaming, partnering and collaborating then maybe the better question is whether the time-wasting speed bumps are worth putting up with because they bring with them the ideas, energy and critique of others.