Friday Nov. 2, 2018
Stalling and procrastination are often confusedly compared or conflated as the same thing.
They are not.
Procrastination is that cursed thing which grows and overtakes our productivity like growing slime – it gets sticky on everything and slows every process. It should, as I’ve often preached, be eliminated as much as we can …
But stalling – that’s a different issue entirely.
Sometimes we stall without consciously knowing why or having a ready explanation. But our non-conscious is taking care of us, cautioning us to stall. We don’t immediately know why, but ‘in the fullness of time’ it will reveal …
More common is the deliberate stall: when we aren’t ready, we need more information, we are too tired/weary or stressed over something else to make ‘that important decision’, so we stall. We rarely explain – it is so much easier to use an excuse than to take time to fully examine and explain the days or weeks of brooding about some colliding elements; so much easier to say, “I’ll decide tomorrow” .. or by the end of the week, or ‘soon’.
We stall.
But when we are done stalling – when we are ready to make the decision, we are swift to decide, swift to act – to execute that decision. So swift. And then, so demanding – expecting immediate action by others, immediate results too … of course!
I’m not saying everyone is like that – or that anyone else is, but I know I am. For certain …
Reader feedback:
You plan to get to 115!? GOOD LUCK with that, AN, Calgary, AB
I was sitting in dentist office this morning and reading your article and as always was enjoying the great thoughts of you. I was so mad at my son, who has started grade ten at the high school this year and I am not happy with his progress and the way he thinks about the future. His attitude is overrated and intolerant for me. Trying to convince me that it’s a teenagers era and to give hope to myself that everything will be fine since hormones settle down. For me, 55 is when I will back to myself and my own life, is when I choose my day. No more schedules, classes, unexpected plans to interfere my day. Kids have graduated and could live on their own. It is when I would back from work can go straight on the couch, not toward the stove. But I feel it keeps postponing, and I am so tired to fight for it. Thanks Mark!!! Cheers, PN, Calgary, AB
I read the other day of a woman being 107 and still spry so 118 may well be possible. You’ll likely still be sending out Musings with 118 years of history and experience to draw from. I wonder if you will still be living in Calgary and what Calgary will look like? What the world will look like? And whether your next bucket list trip will be to the moon or back in time. If it was back in time what year would you elect to return to? And to where?, RT, Vancouver, BC
Great Post. Taking time to really get to know someone to me is success!, MJ, Calgary, AB
To answer your first question … YES!, SF, Lethbridge, AB