Friday Nov. 25, 2016
Best you can do?
Who asked that of us?
Second grade teacher, an employer, competitor, customer or critic?
But what if that question is someone who isn’t supposed to be asking that question – like an employee, our partner, our child? Well, that changes everything doesn’t it?
And what about that last person in our chain of command – ourselves?
We all ‘want to be challenged’, or so we say – and when we talk about it objectively or write it without having to mouth the words it seems so innocent, so harmless, so … empty.
Of course we want to get better, be better, raise our game … but when someone whose role is to look to us, to look up to us – or across at us, how disappointing it is when we disappoint them. To fall off our high horse is one thing, but not when they are watching, please. To ‘not measure up’ to any standard anyone might set, including our own goals/standards/limitations, is one thing, but not measuring up to what we ought to be measuring up to in their eyes, that is another matter. Can we know – do we have a clue what that standard is, where the pass-fail line is drawn?
Reader feedback:
Great muse Mark! I appreciate your thoughts and am thankful for them and how they push my own. Enjoy the rest of your week, MK, Calgary, AB