Thursday Nov. 29, 2018
Everyday news, everyday conversation, everywhere we look – lines are blurry between right and wrong. Truth and fiction. News and hype. Where’s that line? I grew up in a simple family – simple parents from pioneering farm backgrounds with modest education, but with a clear understanding of right v. wrong. Good v. bad. True, those were simpler times.
Not to say they led flawless lives, but I had good examples of clear basic values to follow.
Our systems of rights, laws and values are woven of the Judeo-Christian ethic, a blend of ancient Old Testament teachings from its Torah roots. Christianity, Judaism and Muslim faith, each rooted in middle-eastern history, from times when ‘eye-for-an-eye’ was literal, not metaphorical. In some places brutality continues both in justice and injustice.
It seems to not matter who the villains are – Saudi, Russian, Chinese, Korean or American – take your pick, without much questioning of morals, values, truth and consequences.
What is right, what is wrong?
Can we tell anymore?
What is right? What is wrong? So blurry. In the news lately, it seems that Saudi Prince ordered a journalist killed. President Trump danced around clear language, but with substantial evidence and recommendations from his security and intelligence advisors, he virtually acknowledges the Prince’s culpability but won’t do anything about it because that action would jeopardize too much business with a valued trading partner. Ironically, it’s weapons trade. I’m not surprised by the trade-off; I expect this kind of policy mitigation is not new, but making it so blatantly public is new. What is right? What is wrong? Where is the line?
I wonder in anyone cares. Does the average American or Canadian family care this Video-Politic ethic is showing a skewed version of right and wrong to their children and grandchildren? Or is it all just OK, a numbingly bizarre ‘new reality’.