Monday, November 8, 2021
I can check Fox, CNN, Al Jazeera, BBC, PBS, CBC or GLOBAL any given day – I can read newspapers that fold and ones that stream – and some days I want to scream, “Would somebody give me a unbiased reliable and relevant digest of everything I want to know, not biased of pushing anyone’s slant.”
It would be great if they cared for we end-users of news, keeping us informed so we can vote, consume, read, discuss and self-educate – to know what’s going on in our backyard as well as what’s going on in everyone else’s backyard – seems improbable.
Bombardment, overflowing inboxes, TV and streaming services – how did we manage before the internet, cable streaming, and iPhones?
If we Google to find definitive answers to any question on any subject, we get right/identical or similar responses, but they are tangled amongst many possible wrong answers. Who knew?
I have to read/watch several sources, do my research too; still, I’m skeptical because I also want to know what they aren’t telling. Too many unseen forces keep us more uninformed than seems right at all. Every time scandals break, or someone resigns in disgrace, truth dribbles out ~ too little, too slow.
Without filters or verification devices, it becomes – just noise. We can subscribe to brand name news services, networks and curators of news by type or services scrutinizing for facts and fact-checking.
We are easily overloaded but not so quickly well-informed.
How did we get here?
I mean, how did we arrive at that place, this state of being, of feeling not well-informed?
Just the facts, please.
Balanced and complete facts – reliable and relevant.