Sunday Oct. 15, 2017
Anyone who ever had a scheduling conflict realizes ‘you can’t be in two places at the same time’; we can re-schedule, re-prioritize, leave one place early and arrive at the second late. We can delegate – sending someone in our place, do GPS ‘recalculating’ in our head – and if both are important enough, we’ll figure a way …
Geography and meetings – we can schedule just about anything.
But there are two conflicts this method doesn’t address.
Can’t be present and in the past at the same time – yet some people are. How can you help, or how can they help themselves? When they do, will they bounce like a frenetic overheated ping pong ball until they land over there … just ahead, not here/today, but in ‘just the right place’ tomorrow …
Second, perhaps more confounding situation, is when two people are in same physical location, one in the present, one in the past. Present one stretching to think/feel/hope about being in the future – the other still playing tug-o-war with the past. Physical locations suddenly aren’t the issue.
When these conflicts happen to you, do they look the same way they do to me?
What do struggling travelers need or want?
Should they just keep moving along their risk/reward continuum of life in hopes that someone will present them with a better designed future, better aligned pairing, better defined lives?
We can’t look in the rear-view mirror to see if someone is catching up – we’ll be looking over our shoulder too long and lose our way. We can’t move forward very effectively without a clear head and an open schedule.
What’s your plan?