Monday Oct. 16, 2017
Hearts and minds.
Marketers pitch them, profile them – fitted neatly, in aggregate – boxes and shapes in charts, on graphs.
But, we are not aggregate.
Singles, pairs, groups, families or communities – yes all lumped together, but first we are lone, alone, solitary – most important person in our life, not part of someone’s advertising program.
One heart.
One mind.
Offered to the world – not because we want one person hitching themselves to us, like horses pulling together, but because we want someone who stands out from the crowd, wanting us.
Yes, we do it. For love, for someone we love – who might, if we’re really lucky, love us in return. Love is not a thing. Love is state of mind. Not something you fall into like a puddle or swimming pool. Love, an action word. Verb, for caring.
Reader feedback:
Mark - I really enjoy reading your musings. They are timely and provide different perspectives. Thanks! One statement in this particular musing stood out to me. It is that you've "caused much difficulty by telling truth." I too have caused difficulty to others and myself by telling the truth. Why is that? It would seem to me that truth would be preferable to lies, so why does truth threaten people so very much?, MM, Phoenix, AZ