Technology speed, method, logistics, immediacy, data faster than images, images faster than voice/text/clicks. Everybody communicates.
Unless you’ve opt-out. Or never opted in.
Gap between ‘those who’ vs. ‘those who don’t’ widens. Speed, therefore the differences are widening. So how do we bridge that chasm, and does it matter?
I believe it matters. Sure, smart people can argue opposite statistics. I don’t have stats and graphs proofs, but I want strong feelings. Recent experiences have reinforce and VAILDATE this view: ‘being out there’ with feelings, being strong, advancing our ideas, views and concerns about importance of issues and magnitude of problems we all share.
Silence is easy – believing we can’t makes differences; but we can!
Go ahead, make someone’s day, communicate! Great. Just one catch – make sure it is truth you are telling.
Now you’re cookin’ …
Reader feedback:
PRECIOUS TIME Precious Time hit home for me. It prompted me to write a blog post about a friend of mine who actually got a 'do-over' after getting hit by a bus. I hope you'll take a look at my post and if you like it, feel free to share with your readers: , Thanks Mark, JMM, Edmonds, WA
Thanks for reading. I appreciate feedback, pro and con, and suggestions to help improve this column and this website are always welcomed - usually published the following day under COMMENTS RECEIVED.