Sunday Oct. 29, 2017
Swap everything you have for great love? … or keep everything you have but miss out on the greatest love of your life?
The more you have, perhaps a tougher decision; less you have, it should be easier.
I’ve had plenty, had little, ridden that financial roller-coaster, ridden an emotional one too.
What would I give up? Easy answer.
But, what would I give? Tougher to define.
I meet few people who would give up much for happiness, fewer still would give everything they could.
I believe our nature as people, our tendencies, are to be far more protective of our positions, far less trusting/risking than ever.
Many people are comfortable turtles – comfortable in their hard shells, safe shells, impenetrable shells, but:
Safety isn’t love. Love isn’t safety.
Truth, like gravity.
Ought to be a law.