Saturday, October 22, 2022 ~ column #7158
When we get a little jolt of dopamine, it triggers our brain – pleasure, satisfaction, motivation – and the viral world knows this. We all know this, which doesn’t mean we understand medicine, pharmacy or neuroscience.
We have to be alive and involved in social or business connections – each time we get a reminder blip on a computer, a text message sound on our devices, read an upbeat email or get a good-news call.
That’s just routine.
But when we get negative or destructive bad news ‘pokes’ in any form, it fails to give us that charge, so many people only go toward things that give them that positive buzz.
Reality means we are ‘in it’ for good or bad; I’ll happily take shades-of-grey, with shades-of-black when they come – grin and bear it, in hopes of occasional shades of something reddish, the shades-of-fireworks, sunrises and sunsets.
My point, my idea, is that we could try to connect only with positive-buzz sources without losing touch with the essentials of our work, business, and social structure. Yes, it’s managing our time, but also making a positive contribution to our wellness state – our level of up-ness; and whether we are feeling up a little or down a little; it shows in every call me make, every exchange we enter into and, I expect scientists will be able to tell us, boosts our success rate.
That’s my theory, and I’m sticking to it until proven wrong.