Friday, October 23, 2020
Or was it something else they said?
Potential connections, and sometimes conflicts, with different people within the same time frame give the brain intriguing work to do. Confusing at times, but clarity emerges.
Sticking with a focus has value; if for no other reason, it shows up and reveals all things that are not in sync with where we are going, how we plan to get there, or who we want to have along for the ride.
Value, contained there, beyond platitudes of familiar conversation and quips. There is no quick-response answer to explain anyone or to explain anyone’s answer.
Would I like fries with that?
Anyone can answer that quickly, with a no thank you or a yes, please.
When someone says something quickly or judgmentally, I notice immediately – and I react, sometimes a profoundly visceral reaction. Not because I’m offended, but because I’ve been revealed unto myself as someone who has too often done precisely the same thing.
Some days, actions and words of some people can make you shudder, roll your eyes, or utter expletives under your breath … wtf, in jaw-dropping amazement.
That which causes us to be amazed or shocked has shifted. Tolerance is one thing; boundaries and values are another matter entirely.
We’ve all been yelling at our television screens too much lately. Sometimes the idiot-du-jour is closer to home, someone we know or have met, someone who is real, and we can yell directly at them!
It feels satisfying for a minute, but then we need to pause to question what we are yelling about, who we are yelling at, and why their words or action triggered a reaction. I like it when someone gets inside my head, but not so much when they get under my skin.
Is ‘walked-back’ the same as ‘back-pedal’?
Neither seems to be an apology – just an excuse/rationalization avoidance tool when a simple, “Hey, I’m sorry – I was wrong, please help me understand” would go farther and certainly further the discussion …
Meanwhile, I’m quiet on the outside – and screaming at the top of my lungs on the inside.
Someone wise recently said something about someone in a role that it wasn’t about their having or needing character so much as it revealed their character.
We ARE who we are. When we walk among others and open our mouths, we don’t reveal everything, but we probably tell everything anyone needs to know.
Beware the snap-judgment.
It doesn’t look so wise when someone else does it, more so when it’s our own rush-to-judge.