Sunday Oct. 28, 2018
Friendships, as I’ve come to know, are a lot like other relationships as romance, marriage and family relationships ~ in that they aren’t automatic but too often are taken for granted, as if they will continue without much maintenance involved, without the attention we devote to them when they are new.
My point being, if we ignore someone they won’t forget us but ignoring them will weaken the connection. If we take someone for granted, we might not notice the weakening of that connection. If we don’t place that person at or near the top of our priority list, they will notice and their dealing with us will suffer, which will weaken the connection.
The question I think we need – with all our connections, is ‘do we want to strengthen them or weaken them?’ ~ and with that question in our mind in every interaction, then we will strengthen our relationships which need work and we will distance ourselves from ones which aren’t so important or which aren’t as healthy …
What makes acquaintances into friends, colleagues into friends, neighbours into friends – what makes anyone move from meeting and knowing into that province known as friendship?