Sunday Sept. 1, 2019
Going beyond our limits.
We probably all recall when we have … .
But memories aren’t currency. Can’t buy groceries with ‘something great we did a long time ago’, just as we can’t win new business, jobs, and relationships trading on yesterday’s credentials.
Seth Godin asks audiences to stretch, “high as you can”.
Then, asks for “just a little bit more”. They do.
He wonders why they held back?
His point: why stay within limits of achievement we know we can exceed?
Why not our maximum? Do champion athletes stretch further than everyone, including themselves, thought they could?
What about those who didn’t stretch that extra bit?
If we want someone to spend their time with us, or spend their money on our services, don’t they need to feel we are stretching without holding back?
And in our personal relationships – do we expect people to give us their full undivided attention and support if we aren’t giving that to them, stretching for them?
I’m covering an interesting conference soon – learning and rubbing shoulders with stellar roster of attendees and presenters. Two headliners I admire; my expectation is all those presenters will be stretching more, going beyond their limits a little more than usual because of the company they are in: Malcolm Gladwell, and Sir Kenneth Robinson.
Surely Malcolm and Sir Ken could easily collect royalties and speaking fees most of us dream of.
Are they ‘stretching beyond their limits’ still? That got them to the top of their game, leaders in their field – but how do they stay there if they aren’t stretching just that little bit more?
Am I?
Are you?
Reader feedback:
This is freakin beautiful Mark, JA, Atlanta, Georgia