Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - column #7126
We are not alone.
Every feeling we ever have is a human one, and while it feels unique to us – as if nobody has ever felt this way or known this feeling – that’s pretty naïve.
Who can imagine having a ‘truly unique’ thought or experience, known only to one person, of over eight billion humans alive today?
We read there are no two identical snowflakes, but how could anyone put trillions of snowflakes under a microscope? The snowflakes, and all of us, have this in common – a feeling we are unique while knowing we all look the same. Maybe in a few million years, some of our descendants will evolve into another species, one with a bigger brain, greater longevity and not prone to mass hysteria, violence or getting sick – immune to diseases and allergic to stupidity. Until that happens, we’ll have to elevate the human experience to improve our performance on those qualities.
We are not alone and aren’t much different from every other human – so why can’t we get along better?
Or are we fighting ourselves as we see our qualities/failings and flaws in others …. ?
p.s. yesterday was a day of mourning for Queen Elizabeth II, a national holiday but still a work day for most of us, though we watched way too much TV from the early hours as we joined hundreds of millions around the world paying our respects along with those who qualify as gawkers and onlookers; suffice to say, I have thoughts on this, but felt it better to let them simmer a bit before sharing a column on the subject –which I will one day soon
Reader feedback:
Hi Mark, great column today, DH, Calgary, AB