These are things I think about quite often on my morning walks: what we see and do not notice, what we feel and do not realize, what we think and do not say …
I see something in someone’s yard that I don’t recall, and I wonder if it just arrived yesterday or if they built that enclosure long ago, and I didn’t notice it was there.
I ponder too, how someone’s words/actions the other day give me a fresh clue to advancing my side of a transaction while wondering how I can help ‘him’ see the error of his ways – that he is getting in his own way, and I wonder if the reason I notice that so glaringly is because I see that in myself too?
The world around us is a magic mirror, we see in it what we want to see – and hope to see, and we tend to avoid seeing the reflection of what we don’t want to see, don’t want to feel and don’t want to realize.