Monday Sept. 24, 2018
Life is neither happy nor sad.
Life is better described as a state of being within our body AND as a state of ‘being in the world’, neither of which are measures of happy or sad any more than they are measure of productivity or failure, of health or intelligence – just being.
Life arrives as a marvel of packaging – completely sustainable, one-size fits all, blank canvas – then everybody builds their own like you would a hot dog at a picnic. But life isn’t about our toppings and condiments, not about white v. whole wheat, mustard, ketchup and mayo …
Or is it?
Maybe that’s a place to re-start some thinking.
I’m in neutral, mindful of threats to health and happiness they way we are wary of icy sidewalks.
In neutral, poised for the next big thrill, challenge or wild adventure.
Life is not over. Just beginning; life is greater than the sum of its parts.
That’s how I feel most days.
This thinking is not an overnight whim; I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time – like I’m trying to whittle a giant tree into the perfect toothpick.
I’ve learned capability and self-doubt are not good companions.
To prop, or not to prop, that is the better question? What do we need to make our life full v. what do we need just because we want it, because we want to, because we can?
Empty page, empty stage – now go perform your life: it’s Monday morning, you are at the starting line and nobody is ahead of you, so accelerate and start racing through another week.
Ready, fire, aim – Tom Peters