Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2019
When darkness disembarks, we need immediately put those days back in their boxes, send them back.
Or pause. Because darkest day(s) are few.
Most of us deal with or deflect these temporary contagions, personal weakness, and menacing ‘others’ in our lives – life doesn’t deaden us often, if at all.
Feeling loathsome is temporary. Except when it isn’t.
Some take deep dives to down and dark, however slight their trigger. We need to have compassion for those who are stuck, unhinged, in dark places – lend them our hand, lift them, cheer them, and celebrate them. Those who need us most wear their best masks, preventing us from seeing their obscure need.
What can we do?
Lend your hand, offer to lift, and provide gladdening celebration for EVERYONE; then we’ve helped those in need who we can’t see.
Reader feedback:
Awe, so good! Loved reading and thinking about this musing..., SF, Lethbridge, AB