Sunday, September 27, 2020
Your internet connection is unstable.
That note yesterday – internet service in my writing chamber was not operative.
TV noise confirmed power was on, Shaw services were working – Google worked too. Service wasn’t down, just unstable. By then, this tangential natter-confab arose in my noodle.
Lately, we’ve been acclimating – stability-breaking episodes – everyone’s economy troubled, enterprises and leaderships in peril, middle-classes falling through every crack working classes already have, yet stability remains tenable, albeit barely. We, the collective-patient, are in guarded condition, not yet stabilized.
Experts proclaim how bad it is, or was – how things played out disastrously in previous worldwide pandemics or comparable calamities, that we should expect the equivalent or worse.
Whether virus contagion, warfare, or a global recession – we’ve been through those. We’re smarter now, so why are we listening to same-old stories of gloom?
Amazed how badly so many governments are doing, but even more stupefied at gargantuan volumes of work those countries are doing, however misguided some earlier actions have proven lunacy, their initiatives ranging from sometimes stable to off-their-hinges unstable.
Some characters recast themselves, but probably not their properties. Neither effortlessly altering our personality type, nor personality types we find proclivity for, nor ones we negate. The same precept holds true between an electorate and its elected leaders ~ when things are bad, they are never as bad as we think they are, and when things are good, things are never as good as they think they are.
Allegiance affiliations signify, however loosely we feel united, we’re not entirely down, just a little unstable.
My internet connection is now stable, but I’m not as sure that I am.