Tuesday, September 28, 2021
I was reading a newsletter the other day from author James Clear.
He included this comment:
“The world rewards you for value provided, not time spent.”
True, yes, but completely incomplete. This view rests on the premise that the world rewards you. The world doesn’t have organized intentions to do anything, so let’s get this straight.
Who gives us value, and how can we influence the flow?
Everything on earth that has ever been developed, invented, grown that we call part of our civilization was begin by someone who wasn’t sure what they were doing, hadn’t yet proven it would work – but they have a vision, the imagined a result they could produce. The end result rarely looked like the initial idea because that idea got better and better with each draft, prototype, or version.
A grain of sand is layered in pearl by an oyster dealing with an irritation – and in repeatedly minimizing an irritation, the oyster builds something of beauty, durability and precious worth. Out of nothing came something. Every day we encounter some new information, collide with further irritations, confront the next problem to solve or obstacle to navigate. Most of our ‘management of the situation’ moments are simply that – getting through, around, or over a problem. But within those magic opportunities to fix something, improve something or invent a replacement-thang, we make life better.
If you get that, if you believe that, then stay with me here – let’s take that to the next level, using the same techniques with people and relationships. The ones we ignore will never improve; the ones we focus on can only get better.