Tuesday Sept. 4, 2018
Isn’t it great when some event du jour lifts you, makes you feel taller, smarter, better looking?
Adrenaline rush? Sure, like when we are scared out of our wits. With an uplifting positive difference.
Not epiphanies of new knowledge, but that sudden super charged boost that comes from that great meeting, as by-product of progress on some business adventure or the euphoric lift from helping someone succeed. It doesn’t always pay in cash, but it pays huge value in so many ways.
Everybody (emphasis intended – EVERYBODY) loves it, yet so often I see people on the other end of some business, or an argument or a transaction who forge that and play sledgehammer or bulldozer. I know, looking in the rear-view mirror, too often resistant one was me.
Still is sometimes, but not so much anymore.