Sunday, September 5, 2021
The Labour Day long weekend is here.
Not a formal end of the summer season, it signals the close of ‘summer as we know it’ – it’s a time for tidying up yards, harvesting gardens and finishing weather-sensitive projects.
And it’s a time for reflection on what is behind us, what is ahead of us, and what comes next in our lives regarding federal and local elections, the 4th Wave of COVID-19 and the reality of a country/world craving a return to stability.
Normal and new-normal are no longer relevant terms – but stability that lets us feel relaxed as we go about our day-to-day activities with less stress; that’s what we need now.
Are we there yet?
Yesterday, a planned day of no-labour, was for me and all Albertans, the first day of back-to-masks in public places so we keep each other safer while our government is now bribing unvaccinated Albertans ($100/per) to get their shots. I’m not sure what the future holds, with or without the bribery – because the measure of the crisis will continue to be driven by political think, with leaders keeping one eye on hospitalizations and the other eye on opinion polls because they all believe overflowing hospitals are the kiss of death to them politically. What they fail to realize is that the waffling, poor decisions, and dishonesty are what will cook their goose first.