Monday Apr. 2, 2018
I’ve promised to write every morning.
Like pushups – with fewer calories burned, but far harder/more painful.
But some days I mutter beneath my breath, “why am I doing this?” Not often. Most days I don’t pause for muttering about my morning writing routine. Could be watching TV, cold-calling or ‘whatever’ everyone else might be doing – but I don’t. I write, which in itself doesn’t make me ‘writer’ any more than eating makes one a food critic …
When I think about what I’ll write each day – or the next – when I make mental notes or put yellow stickies on my computer screen, every time I capture a thought racing by, every time I tell a story or report an observation, I have this place to put it. Write here!
Some days it seems quite self-destructive – to reveal mistakes/failings I could so easily keep private, but it seems a better thing to show others such revelations aren’t harmful, exposing ideas and travails on blank canvas every day has value in it, one person’s stumbles might be someone else’s strength, and what I might easily do might give someone else the courage to speak up or shout out …
Leaving a trail behind seems like a great idea; should I use a compass, a weather vane or something else to guide me? Seems easy when we have the wind at our back – yet don’t we feel more alive, more vital, when wind whips our faces? When it’s wet and cold too?
I’m not lost – just seeking that place in life I like best …
I’m not found either.
Both are OK with me.
Reader feedback:
Oh my. I was so hopeful for you. I am still in my sad relationship so I envy you and your freedom to seek your love-mate. I know it is my fault but it will remain thus until I have the right circumstances. I do wish you luck and know that you are a great catch., CG, Toronto, ON
Sure, run - but which way? - words to live by!, KK, Calgary, AB