Monday Apr. 30, 2018
There is no such thing as good luck.
Luck is actions colliding with opportunities, having eyes open – that’s when we ‘make our luck’, and tallying up good work, hard work and patience is ‘luck’ most days. When we might least expect it, good luck lands in our laps. When that happens, smile and take it all. Because you’ve earned it. You might not feel you’ve earned it that day, but rest assured you’ve earned it along your path.
Luck in business, in relationships of all kinds, is like farming. We plant in spring and summer, we harvest in the fall. We work hard all winter and repeat the cycle every year.
If we never plant, our harvest will always be poor or happenstance. If we plant every day, there will be many harvest days. Bountiful ones.
Reader feedback:
Today is the end of my 7th 7 year cycle, the beginning of my 50th year. The frame is grateful, calm and hopeful. Thanks for a reminder on setting intention, JB, Edmonton, AB