Thursday, April 21, 2022
Nothing can be predicted in a truly reliable way.
Ask any meteorologist, economist, political operative, opinion-polling nerd, or sports fan.
You can guess.
You can make choices based on a preponderance of probabilities, but we can never control anyone or anything outside ourselves. And, it’s pretty hard to control things inside ourselves too.
I’m wrestling with something like that right now – not just an impasse to be resolved. If it was only that simple. I’m good at fixing an impasse, apologizing and sometimes grovelling, but this is different. This is about a life that cannot be undone. Things I’ve done can be righted but not reversed – there is no instant replay in life, no rewind function, no ability to time-travel back to some pivotal day or decade and live out our actions differently.
We can adjust how we see things – not much more, but we can do that.
Reader feedback:
My mantra from age 50 onwards seemed trite at points in last 2 years... yet "the best years are ahead" is now starting to manifest, and I loudly, proudly second today's musing. Happy Wednesday!, JB, Edmonton, AB