Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Moments when we meet someone stand out, as do those moments when our life takes a turn.
Moments when we realize we’ve taken the right fork in the road or the wrong one, moments when we recognize a simple truth for ourselves – one we’ve been in denial of or altogether oblivious to, is shocking to the system.
We either want to stifle it out of existence (for the painful realizations) or resist the urge to shout from the rooftops (for the proud moments we don’t want to be prematurely boastful about).
Waking up to something is not as simple as on/off switch/switching – it’s life-altering.
Some moments are profoundly influential in our remembering, and some are impossible to forget, including ones we want to forget the most. Forget and regret sound the same for a reason …
Reader feedback:
It's birthday week to me, turning 53 and have now committed to living at the 53rd latitude... offer pending on my dream condo! Wish me luck!, JB, Edmonton, AB
Morning Mark, it’s a good week to be happy … spring is springing and I’m not thinking about winter! Your comment about stop think about unhappy things is so necessary these days. Gary Player said recently that we have become the most litigious and critical society – totally judgmental! I vowed to make my last decade as positive as I can make it. My first move was to eliminate politics from my life and that has made me much happier. Now, about my handicap … and where are those sweats? Cheers, NB, Two Hills, AB