Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Which way are we pointed? Watch the news, and it looks like a leaderless world – each country struggling, sniping at one another, each industry with their hand out for help; each individual with their hand out for help.
Hold it, that’s not right.
Most individuals with their hand out TO help …
If someone asks you, you’ll help. If they don’t ask, you’ll help just the same. Won’t you?
OK, many of us won’t. That doesn’t mean we should continue that way. Months and years from now, we’ll read about what went right, what went wrong, and who was responsible for getting it most wrong v. badly wrong v. not entirely as false as the others. Blame and shame won’t bring anyone back. Those who live through this, those who get the virus and survive, and those of us who neither get this virus nor do anything about anything – well, we’ll be pretty lame, won’t we?
Our ability to change anything is zero, so why try?
Our ability to gather others to help us change is feeble at best, so why try?
Our capacity to move any idea, venture or change in the world is hampered by all the usual limitations of capital, assembling talent, creating a needed product or service, and marketing it to the world than ever, so why try?
Our ability to travel, meet, organize, or operate is hampered by circumstances, government shutdown orders, and a virus, so why try?
But here’s da ’ting about that ~ who should, who could, who would we turn to at times like this?
Do we turn to healthy students and young grads in the gig economy who are used to working from a lap, a laptop, and a backpack?
Or do we turn to the old ways of old folks who have little energy, mobility, or resistance to the virus?
Is anything at all like back in the day?….
Who then do we need?
People from 30-80, average health, educated – bring all their experiences and skills.
Start date: when you decide
Finish date: when you die
Reader feedback:
Will we assume superiority, our righteous place and strive to claim/convert/make that planet like us or will we accept their indigenous rights and arrive in peace?, LG, Calgary, AB
Or will the aliens when they arrive here? LH, Lethbridge, AB