Sunday, August 23, 2020
It isn’t easy to live in our heads.
And often seems more challenging to live outside them, but that is a false notion. As problematic as any day or challenge or relationship might be, our battle is won or lost inside our heads. Our success or failure manifests inside our heads. Our achievements and dreams can only live if they first live inside our heads, and we then give them life and legs in the real world …
The notion of going through the motions leave out stresses or curbs on our emotions, taking a laissez-faire approach to life, having governments stand on the sidelines too, is just an untenable way to live or manage our affairs – yet it would be so lovely, if only for a day or week, that we could swimmingly go along with childlike enthusiasm and fearless exploration.
Those days of blissful ignoring might return in a year or two, but we won’t return to who we were or how we were. We live our life – in so many ways, nothing like what imagined or could have predicted. Tomorrow a new obstacle, a new threat, a unique opportunity. It has always been thus.
I’m not suggesting we turn away from pandemic vigilance, but we cannot see unless we look at the whole spectrum of life, living, people, and experiences. I don’t want better experiences than anyone else wishes for, but I am committed to finding them whenever and wherever they show up.
Ask yourself, how many people did I re-connect with last week – make an effort to call or visit?
And how many new people did I get to know last week – not for self-serving or business reasons, but just because you found them interesting and worthy of your time?
Whatever your answers, in the week ahead, will it be different?
Every day presents an unblemished 24-hour page of blankness, to live the life we’ve never lived before – or to repeat our familiar patterns and habits.
The in-limbo state many people feel, in my view, is a state of not knowing. Get over that, we are all on that same boat. Rather than saying in a not-knowing state, the worst part is not doing because the firecracker needs a match, and the rocket needs ignition – yet we only need to give ourselves permission.
We can do anything we choose to do. Sure, we have constraints and limitations, but our most substantial barriers exist only in our heads. That is where we store fear and insecurity, where we pour cold water on dreams and send passion to a cold shower.
Everything that has ever been done in the world, large or small, was done by a person – someone just like you. Never in the history of the world has there been as much available in terms of resources, sources, ideas, things that have been proven or discovered already so we don’t have to start from some primitive place in time – the place is here, the time is now. Only one thing can stop us from doing or trying anything – it is that person who lives inside our head.
P.S. – to PO, for your comments; you made my day so much better and lifted me taller with your lovely words. Thank you.
Reader feedback:
Good morning Mark, What gets my day started is YOU... yes I truly enjoy reading your so articulated column that not only resonates with me but in many ways aligns with my thoughts and makes me realize where I am in my life’s journey. The only thing better would be waking up next to a loved one.... lol. Well it is Saturday and if not for system updates I’d probably sneak in a few extra work hours before commencing my weekend cleaning ritual. Nothing better than waltzing with Mr. Vac. What gets my engine started: A good cuppa coffee; listening to the birds and watching them dip into the backyard fountain whilst I sit meditating looking around me and taking in the positives in my life realizing how truly blessed I am. Being thankful for a job during these uncertain times that undoubtedly fills my day but adds to my daily purpose. BUT most of all focusing on my goals and dreams (yes even at my age) in search of a BETTER ME in having a happy, healthy and shared future and of course READING the musing columns daily. Kudos to YOU! , PO, Calgary, AB