Wednesday, December 30, 2020 - daily column # 6622
Sure thing, good idea, but there is always something new, something I forgot, somebody who calls, someone who writes and that slate never gets cleaned; my ‘inbox-zero’ is only a temporary filing diversion.
But clean-slate, ready for something new state of mind eludes me.
So why do I want a clean slate?
First, to have a day of silent peace and absence of anything I must do. I realize this is an arbitrary self-imposed situation. I could make that choice any day. It’s not a vacation day, a retirement day, or a holiday day – it’s just a choice day.
Second, a day to attack long-overlooked pile A, and a day for neglected pile B, long avoided pile C, and so on …
Working to clear the deck – clean slate, empty table …
Well, that was my theory for this week. But Monday was ‘newsletter’ day, Tuesday was clean-up and rest-up day … and hopes the table would be available to spread out a project (I have several to attack) that needs a few days of quiet paper-pushing and writing. The week is already short – and I’m trying to write my year-end/forecast report for inclusion in three publication and for a presentation next Tuesday, and planning to roast my ‘didn’t cook it at Christmas’ turkey, gently thawing in my fridge – now to be the New Year’s eve turkey – but then I realized New Year’s Eve is a Thursday – not the Friday, so work recalculating is pushing the 31st to the 1st, and the 1st cannot be pushed because Saturday will be the 2nd no matter what …
Most of all, those unfinished follow-ups are on my mind, on my plate, and WILL be dealt with, so come next week, I’ll be wide open and available for every opportunity that gets my attention AND make time only for those ‘must-do’ plans on my agenda.
No, retirement is not in the cards for 2021, or 2022, or …. well, you get the picture.
Reader feedback:
Dear Mark, I really liked this column. Much wisdom, few words. Thank you, WF, Valleyview, AB