Saturday Feb. 3, 2018
Mulling during ‘morning ritual’, routine which begins with waking …
Work day starting, a thousand things – when/where/how we do them – known fully, only to ourselves. We don’t so much ‘keep secrets’ as we own them/they own us.
Not ‘state secrets’, just little – private business, nobody else’s – personal activity things of how we run life. Privately. Not embarrassing if known by others – just not their business (or anything they might care about), as we aren’t concerned about their little bits of strange uniqueness.
Every morning’s first hours, personal mix of obvious and typical – breakfast, newspapers, vitamins, coffee, email, walking my dog, exercise – others are private, personal, possessing their own special place/space/sequence in day-starting.
Focused on morning ritual: what I read, what I review, what I repeat, how I prime this pump, what I do to restore energy from a tough day before, what I do to dream large, what I do to remind myself to stay connected to both little things and big ideas, to stay connected to people I know and to get connected with people I don’t know at all …
Do you have a morning or night time ritual – time set aside to make our days, our lives, and our tomorrows livable? If you don’t, consider it. (I recommend a book I am re-reading: The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson )
Little things making huge impact. Some days impacting output, some days just ‘ease of getting though my day’, most days they simply keep me sane. Morning minutes determine course of my day, like ship at sea on cloudy days – my compass, my guide.
Little things, bigger than big things.
Reader feedback:
Mark, Just read your article and would strongly recommend finding a great, not good, but great physio. I actually have one and would be happy to provide an introduction. I have old soccer injuries, etc, that come back to haunt me, but thanks to my physio and the exercises she has provided I am undertaking a 1300 hike from the US/Mexican border and ending in Chester, Northern California, starting out in April. Without my physio’s help and guidance this would not be possible. Just throwing it out there for you buddy. Had a great weekend, PT, Calgary, AB …p.s. I will follow up in a couple of weeks to schedule that lunch.
I also find some spur of the moment decisions turn out very well. O life is not so simple ;) , SC, Chestermere, AB