Wednesday Feb. 1, 2017
Mr. T once meant: outrageous TV personality who was larger than life, often out of control – and when we turned off the TV, we were in control.
These days the TV performer formerly known as ‘the Donald’ is the poster-child for outrageous moves on the global chessboard with, I believe, too little regard for the enormity of the office he’s been elected to without either the moral authority nor ‘appreciating the consequences’ of his actions.
Has the U.S. government been subject to a coup d’etat, to a putsch? Yes, indeed – with voters complicit, both those who voted for him and those who stayed home that day …
And now what do we have? Protest rallies and ‘stroke of a pen’ changes no legislature has approved – and while Mr. T may be within his scope and inside the law, he has gone widely outside convention … ardently keeping his promises without regard for innocent lives he might adversely impact or hatred and injustice he defacto-endorses.
Neither admirer nor fan – and I’m still shaking my head. It is 45 months till ‘the next time’ Americans elect a President. Given what he’s done in three months since elected and in two short weeks since being installed in his position, I must wonder how he’ll be regarded by historians – and whether the damage he is doing is just short-term and correctible or longer lasting and sadly regrettable. For now, things aren’t looking so good for Americans, Canadians and ‘everybody who looks different’ from the white home-grown American.
When he was campaigning his slogan was altered by some pundits to be ‘he wants to make American white again’ – and I’ll admit to repeating that because I saw so much of him sounding racist. Lately I’m fearing worse than that – someone who wants to stray from the bully-pulpit only long enough to bully anyone and everyone who gets in his way. It seems Mr. Trump is President yet he acts more and more like he thinks he is king and it’s ‘my way or the highway’ no matter what happens. I don’t think the world and his electorate will sit still for that for another 45 months … so my prediction is a big shift in the congress at the mid-terms if the Democrats get hustling, and so far, I only hear them whining …
Reader feedback:
Your story makes me know I am so blessed! I remember the days I never felt worthy of having the wonderful feelings of touch, tenderness and a listening ear. Many had told me not to search but to be willing to receive all that I hoped for. So often our expectations are what blind us to just being in the moment, the moment to embrace all that life sends our way. We are provided what we need and fortunately/unfortunately sometimes its lessons; learning to value oneself, learning to be content in our own company but most of all learning to embrace who we are and change that which holds us back from the beauty that surrounds us and is available to us, KK, Calgary, AB
Good morning Mark, Thanks for all your help and support for cc4ms and me! Much, much appreciated! Mark, would you please consider writing tomorrow’s Musing on religious freedom and expressing your support for Muslim Canadians? I have contacted 3 friends this morning living here in Calgary and they have great fear! Fear! Here in Canada! A whole group is fearing for their lives. This cannot continue. The mosque in Quebec has been actively terrorized since last June and my Calgary friends are telling me about different things that have happened to them in the last little while – looks, comments and some awful actions. I believe Canada is a remarkable country which seeks to unite people, to create and maintain peace. Now it’s up to the individual Canadians to reach out to their Muslim friends and also work to keep Canada a beacon for the world, FW, Calgary, AB
I have noticed a few of your columns make reference to the new President of the US. As a US citizen, I totally agree and have written a piece about our plight. If you would like to share it, I would love to let your readers know how most of us feel. , JM, Edmonds, WA