Friday Feb. 3, 2017
Scarcely a day goes by that multiple choice-opportunities appear.
Come create a mental scotoma to insure they miss them completely or the opposite, being alert to everything that fits our hopes, dreams, values and principles; the result, we get the choices, and make those choices, which fit our mindset. Not society’s values, our neighbour’s values or choices others might make nor follow directions our competitors, ghosts of the past or obstacles-du-jour might wish for us, provide for us or limit us to.
Happiness is something we manifest – not something we happen upon by accident. Life’s series of road-fork choices, ones we happen upon, and forks thrust upon us. How we see those forks is, I believe, as important as the choices those alternatives produce.
If I see a road-fork as a welcome mat or one of Frost’s paths not taken, I begin a happy hopeful exploration …
If I see a road-fork as a threat, problem, obstacle or opposing force, I’m less likely to find an easy or happy solution – but I’ll manage, I’ll climb over or through or persevere. Or, I’ll choose to find a new fork, a new path, a new way to get where I’m going. It may not be your path, the best path or a path anyone might recommend, but it will be my path.
We do get what we wish for, what we work for and manifest what we think about, what we focus on and what we commit to.
People who commit to wellness, fitness and good health likely live longer. People who commit to love – self-love and love of others likely live longer and happier lives.
People who do what they love and love what they do are truly happy. It has nothing to do with longevity but a lot to do with finding purpose in life and making life purposeful. Sadly, many of us live whole lives not knowing this – but if you are alive, there is still time …
Reader feedback:
May your wish come true, Mark! I loved to read today's post - as always, but even more so today. Thanks!, TST, Werzburg, Bavaria, Germany
Morning Mark, I see that you doubt the skills of Balzac Billy, how skeptical of you. Here’s hoping for a early spring so I can burn rubber on the roads on my bicycle. Looking forward to hearing more about your "New beginning" :), MF, Calgary, AB
HI Mark, I really enjoyed your second paragraph…so well written and picturesque… then enjoyed the rest of the journey with you. I love how honest and visible you are. One of my mentor’s goals was to: “Live Her Life Out Loud” She was 83 years old at that point… at the time I pondered at the importance of that. Full disclosure. Mmnnn. Brave and real! Thanks for today’s musing, SF, Lethbridge, AB
Love the serendipity of our posts today Mark! Intersection of High Hopes Street and Great Expectations Avenue indeed! The budding possibilities of romance sound intriguing. Let's grab that lunch soon!, LG, Calgary, AB
Mark, I’m so happy for you! Reading this “- I've met someone new, someone intriguing. I'm exploring what only deserves to be labelled 'great beginning' at this place in space and time: GPS coordinates being at intersection of High Hopes Street and Great Expectations Avenue.” – brings me joy! I love re-watching the movie, Groundhog Day, every year! Smiles, MN, Fort Worth, TX
You seem to have gone over the edge. I hope the best for you but fear the worst. America will be fine. Please concentrate in our yourself, DL, Dallas, TX