Saturday, February 5, 2022
Growing up.
Growing old.
Growing close.
Growing apart.
Whoever we are, wherever we are, we are continuously growing until we are gone, and then we aren’t growing/going anywhere.
Until an event of living stops us, we get to keep growing.
Or stop.
Your choice.
Whether we are growing children or at the other end of life, growth spurts are always a good idea.
Reader feedback:
Good morning Mark, One of the things I really appreciate about is your honesty. How can talking about annoyance and irritation not help a relationship grow? As we both know, those little pinpricks can grow and fester over time, often resulting in serious damage. You are also quite funny—this column made me laugh aloud! But since you asked and in the spirit of honesty, to see the top ten things about you that make me mutter under my breath, Click here , HM, Calgary, AB …. P.S. received after a question about that link going nowhere; That is exactly the point! I would never make a list of negatives about you!
hmmmmm . . . and who is the lucky woman?, SC, Chestermere, AB
Good things happen to good people. I am happy for you - we oldies but goodies gotta stick together!!, SB, Calgary, AB