Wednesday Jan. 10. 2018
How good are you at predicting how you will feel today . . .
Can I do that?
Can you?
If my schedule says I’m having a meeting – shows me I have a plan, a day plotted out – can I construct how I feel, how I will feel, how effective I’ll be?
Is this question about my emotional life or my scheduling skills that will determine the outcome, determine if this is a good day v. a not-so-good day?
Attitude, preparation and showing up always matter – so does sleep, ability to focus; so does experience with similar situations. But when I’m good at this, is it because of experience and gray hair or from a better understanding of what drives me.
I spent/invested a fascinating 18 minutes on this subject recently; check out this TED talk
Reader feedback:
You nailed it (again). Reminds me: "The harder I work, the luckier I get." - Samuel Goldwyn, KK, Calgary, AB
Sharing a thought of life design. It seems it’s what we do to forge forward. I have done it!, JD, Calgary, AB