Wednesday Jan. 3, 2018
Are we living within the limits of our ambitions – or beyond them – out of proportion with ‘normal’?
What exactly are we trying to change?
If we are trying to change anything, any size, doesn’t that believing we can even if we have evidence that most people would say “this fact/belief proves we cannot”?
But we push on …
A little more of this, a little less of that – that all we need. Add luck/miracles, found money, helping hands – we can wish for these, dream for these but unless we’ve put a lot these in place first, we should count on only one thing at our disposal – ourselves! Yes, you are it. Nobody else …
Fewer calories taken in, a little more exercise. Fewer impulse purchases, throw out a few things we don’t need. A little more focus on things that are important, a little less on wasted mind-numbing media. Those are mine. Everyone has a few easy ones – like low hanging fruit. Pick them. Do them, do them consistently and you will find time, money, fitness and health.
Then dig deeper.
What are we wasting our time on?
What are dreaming about that wastes our energy?
Pick one or two time/energy killers – get rid of them. Purge them.
Then we can decide what to do with that time.
What are you trying to change?
Ready, fire, aim …
All we need is within us. It’s always been there.
Reader feedback:
Got to read your missives in catch-up mode this morning. I am typically silent, but I do appreciate your thoughts: “What are you quietly trying to influence to make the world a better place?” - This question is one I will likely physically stick on top of my computer screen to help ground me with some old fashioned perspective when I get bogged down in petty, pointless “problems”. And beyond the petty items, it is a good compass point on which to tackle some bigger items too – some which have not yet blipped on my radar. Thanks for your thoughts. Keep them flowing Mark, MG, Calgary, AB