Tuesday Jan. 17. 2017
First thing.
Every morning I don’t have to wonder what to do – I have a list, have a routine, have much of my day structured and already organized. This is an evolving form of being and staying organized, something I’ve been struggling/progressing with my entire adult life. Progress has been jerky and inconsistent many times but lately I’ve found a rhythm unlike anything I’ve ever known before.
Every day contains three key ingredients: things we do, things we are changing, things we are avoiding doing/changing. Sure, there are many ways to look at this ~ the more I look, the more it boils down to these three things.
I know where I’m going.
I know how I’m going to get there.
Nothing is going to stop me.
This is no distraction, this is about focus …
Reader feedback:
Accomplishment breeds accomplishment. Well said, well written, RR, ?