Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
What we do, or whatever we don’t do, it shows is everything we do.
We put off, not what needs to be strategically delayed, but what we self-excuse ourselves as permitted. This is made easy because we got used to putting off other things. It becomes our personal culture, our way of doing business with ourselves. It isn’t good. Too many things that didn’t work out well for me have their roots in procrastination. I don’t like admitting that, but it is true.
The procrastinator has a self-serving rationalization about doing things too quickly or too soon without adequate think/wait/plan time … about great things that fizzled or blew up or just plain failed because they acted too soon.
Everyday habits build more than the habit.
Whether making our bed or taking out trash, we learn that doing things thoroughly and when they need to be done is a transferrable skill which serves is well in everything we do.
Just as certainly we know that procrastination works well too, but in the opposite direction of goodness. If we procrastinate enough items and stay in that mode, then it leaks into other things and we put off more things, excusing ourselves with ‘we can do it when we get around to it’ or some other innocent sounding self-voice of permission.
The secret to happiness (and hopefully also the secret to success) I believe, is to be authentic.
If we are a prompt doer, it shows. We don’t need to tell anyone.
If we are a perpetual procrastinator we don’t have to tell one about that either, because it shows and everyone knows …
Reader feedback:
Thanks for signing me up to your writing pages, Mark. I can see where writing down your ideas, as they appear from nowhere gives you endless supplies of things to write on. Appreciated the idea of a pen and writing pad always at hand... So far I have never seen writings that directly reflect your 'spirituality' or whatever you choose to call that piece we all carry. Only asking as that soul sense is what keeps me tethered and gives support and courage to tackle new things. We all have gremlins, who's job seems to be to inform us of our worthlessness! Without my God-sense I quickly get moved down daily. What's your take on this? Always food for further musings! Best, YH, Calgary, AB
You didn’t say if you voted or would vote with your feet. I would and have. LH, Lethbridge, AB