Friday, July 9, 2021
Early rising has become a well-worn habit.
Recently – and this is possibly a COVID by-product, or it could be streaming in bed on my SMART TV in the wee hours – the upshot being I’ve not risen as early and spent too many of those early hours on ‘things that needed doing’ rather than getting outside in the freshness of morning air first.
I’ve resumed my ‘go to be earlier, turn off the TV, and rise early routine’ – get out early, get back early, get to the office early, suit & tie days, meetings and zoom calls. Guest what? I’m feeling better and more productive than I have throughout the pandemic. And I’m getting busier.
As I talk to people, I find they fit into two groups – those who are still whining about how tough things are and those who are catching fire again and saying how great things are.
I don’t know the secret.
It might be rising early and a disciplined routine.
It might be the suit & tie …
It might be simply the ‘attitude, attitude, attitude’ thing.
It might be a by-product of herd/heard immunity.
Answer: all of the above
Reader feedback:
Thanks Mark, Triple A represents the best in most things whether it is Attitude, restaurant reviews or beef. Have a wonderful day, JR, Calgary, AB
Ain’t that the truth, CN, Calgary, AB