Tuesday June 5, 2018
Focus, focus, focus. Focusing on something, or someone, or a project is easy.
If nothing distracts us.
Yet something always distracts us, right?
Unless that fresh distraction becomes our new primary focus …
How can we stay focused on everything, or even one thing, without losing focus on something else?
I only have ‘so much focus’, which vacillates from laser-like focus on one thing to scant focus on many things. Some people might describe that as ‘looking at the whole world’ or ‘being open to anything worthwhile that comes along’, and while that might be good in some ways, that ain’t focus.
Case in point; making notes recently during someone’s presentation at a conference, I was writing quickly – I had so many good words, good ideas and ‘things to look up’ coming at me that I didn’t want to miss, but then I was off in a different direction in my head. I was still listening, but not as well. I was still taking notes – but it was like there were two people there. I was watching and note-taking, while at the same time doing something else in my head …
These are moments that happen. I’m not troubled that they happen, but to realize they are happening while they are happening is quite fascinating. And then I need to return my focus.
Sure, I could focus more, focus better – but how do I reconcile “oh, squirrel” behavior with desire to concentrate? It seems, this is something I repeatedly do. And I get the same results. Not sure I should change but I’m certain I need to think about it more.
Reader feedback:
This is thought-provoking, Mark. Beauty, wisdom, success, character, integrity, assurance, goodness, indeed all that really matters is more than "container" deep. Thank you for sharing! , PW, Calgary, AB
My body parts don’t sag ……….SO THERE!, AN, Calgary, AB