Sunday June 7, 2015
Life is worth repeating. Life is worth re-living. Life is worth completely renovating. We are in charge of change, as surely as we are in charge of rigidly staying put …
I if I could do that over, if I could have another chance, if I could live my life over, if only …
How many times have we heard (or said) words like these?
Wave your magic wand. Think it through …
If I could do over ….
Can’t repeat.
CAN re-do.
Do do.
Do do do do …
I would make countless decisions differently, knowing what I know now, but if I was transported back in time – which would I do? Live the same life, or someone else’s life?
Either way, it’s our life. Our choices. Our consequences.
I would imagine many people who, like me, who have children cannot imagine this time travel hypothesis, because if we had or lived another life we wouldn’t have these children – and living a different life with different children is unfathomable to contemplate.
But, just for a moment, do this exercise with me …
Ask – what about your life, this one you’ve been living, cannot be changed?
Very little about our lives is set in stone.
Yet most of us live as if most of it were set as rigidly as reinforcing steel woven through concrete towers – perhaps it will sway with the wind a bit, but once poured in place, there is no changing.
Every day countless people do crazy things.
Every day, some people do brilliant things.
Most do neither.
OK, now wave your magic wand …
Mark Kolke
column written/ published from Calgary, AB
morning walk: 13C/56F, skimpy clouds, light breeze, long walk (foot a little sore – but after walking the golf course yesterday, a very acceptable level of sore), Gusta happy and romping – doesn’t get much better than that …
Reader feedback:
Bravo for you, Mark!!!, SF, Lethbridge, AB