FREE THERAPY [ a.k.a. the re-calculation protocol ]
Sunday Mar. 4, 2018
Some of my re-calculations have been for pleasure, sometimes for work, sometimes to accommodate a friend or to answer an ‘out of the blue short-notice invitation’.
For whatever cause, whatever reason – there is rarely a cost (injury, extra cost, lost revenue, lost opportunity) from setting things aside for a day. But there is always a benefit. Always. Like the boost from an energy drink without taking one, like extra long sleeps without having one. This therapy doesn’t cost anything, doesn’t come with a handbook or a set of tapes or CDs to indoctrinate. It’s just a choice.
Here’s how: think of something you would most like to do ‘right now’ – don’t give yourself more than a minute to think; then say ‘re-calculating’ out loud – then adjust your day, do that thing instead of all those other things you were planning …
Don’t trash them, just set aside for another day.
Changing plans – waking up some morning, re-calculating is like GPS for the spirt – not shirking your day’s responsibilities, but rather rethinking completely what that day can become, pushing to tomorrow those things which can ‘just as well be done tomorrow’, freeing up ‘today’ for something completely different.
Could be tackling a project, staring out window or going for an endless walk, road trip or staying in bed all day surrounded by books and great music – or just curled up with one book, or with someone who has read one ..
Isn’t ‘what you do’ that makes this experience incredible, but freedom to decide ‘that you do’ something completely different …
I find this form of re-calculation can be used more often than ‘on those rare days’ to re-jig part of a day; could be a half-day, or two hours – the point is to set aside the usual, the planned and the obligatory. Push it off, postpone it, ignore it – do something completely different for completely different reasons.
P.S.: for advanced re-calculators … try re-calculating mid-re-calculation day; could be, “no, let’s take THAT road instead”. And, once you’ve got the hang of this, take a road-trip vacation for a few days and re-calculate several times daily – you’ll be amazed at sights you’ll see, people you’ll meet and experiences you’ll have. All of them, beyond anything you imagined.
Reader feedback:
Love the analogy of "Whack a Mole". And you ask a valid question. I always thought my purpose would be something huge. As I've aged I realize my sense of purpose is just to be and help others on a daily basis. A couple of the most recent challenges are over-whelming at best but solving problems seems to be my "sense of purpose" The byproduct of that is happy people and of course compensation from my work-related efforts. Keep on writing Mark - love your openness and willingness to share your thoughts!, HC, Sherwook Park, AB