Monday Mar. 20, 2017
We understand comfort zones.
We should understand their boundaries, their limitations, how ours intersect with or bump into others’. – right? We don’t always think about anyone else’s comfort zone. Too focused on ours, mine, yours – they shouldn’t bump into each other – just gently overlay each other.
Yes, that’s the ticket, near-identical comfort zones. Really, NO – I wrote it that way make my point.
Here is my question du jour: can two (or more) people negotiate their comfort zones?
Whether putting together project teams, hiring staff or mingling any form of ‘relationship’, it strikes me these issues of fit and similarity matter more, not less.
Can we fall in love with someone whose comfort zone is different?
On its face, seems a simple question – and when love conquers all, sure. Why not? It’s all about tolerance, understanding, cooperation and caring. Yes, of course – but let’s get back to that comfort zone thing. Isn’t that going to be a stumbling block? Say Party A wants to explore this planet, the inside of Party A’s mind and outside reaches of Party A’s ambitions and projects. Party B is unsure of how much, how far or how wide Party B’s criteria might be – and Party B has a very different approach to figuring that out.
Can Party A and Party B find happiness, frustration, success or failure?
In team settings, in companies, tension of ‘different approaches’ or differing visions is probably healthy, representing checks and balances.
Can A support B in their approach to life?
Can B support A?
Do they ‘work’ or pull apart?
Is there a COMFORTABLE ZONE, and how do I find one?
P.S.: First day of spring today – another year of writing Musings (starting my 15th year today, what a great journey, what a ride, no turning back now … )
Reader feedback:
Reflective comments … such an interesting column today Mark. We are a generation that is now reflecting on what we have, what we have done and even more about we have not done. I have travelled more than my parents dreamed of, but now wonder if I have seen enough. My daughters are wonderful, successful and happy, did I spend enough time with them? Everyone has their own list of regrets and questions about their lives and we seem to have to work harder to enjoy our accomplishments than to worry about our failures. It is part of our age, both the number and the times we live in. Watch your weight..........losing some is one accomplishment we can do!!, GB, Calgary, AB