Wednesday May 10, 2017
Biting our tongue – neither strength or weakness – usually hurts awhile. Most often, a wise investment. Steel and people. Concrete too. Wind can be strong. Spirit too. But not always. Sometimes a single sentence or an outraged word packs punch.
Or a long pause, silence, and stepping back to reconsider before taking an action, or before saying something. Define strong. Is it a measure of something, or a value?
Reader feedback:
The elder I gets, the more I realizes that most of the things are not about "black or white"; or even not about "right or wrong". Try to understand with disagreements, if cannot or don't want to understand, at least don't judge. We really do not know what exactly the others have experienced. Openness can help each other unloading, correcting and heading to the relative rightness. It is ideal, but still deserves to try when you are willing to put the effort. If we can not change the world, at least we can refine our own life inside out, instead of criticizing and/ or complaining. One by one, step by step, better and better of each individual, so does the world ... I hope ... Have a wonderful day, JH, Calgary, AB