Saturday May 9, 2015
Too many contemporaries – dying, or seriously facing-off with retired, retiring.
Hold everything. Best route for me is something else.
I’m ‘just getting started’ on new life-stages with notions how I can, as Steve Jobs said, ‘put a dent in the universe’. Perhaps that’s too bold, or just a starting point …
Understand things, processes – simple enough like following recipes, repeating what clever people already proved – learning from everything they’ve learned, but also to see further, confident we can accomplish anything we care enough about.
Not standing on any pier, I’m casting off in my life-boat without life-jacket, swimming ability or supplies. That seems dangerous, foolish and downright risky. I’m not sailing out to sea or blasting to outer space. Uncharted territory, rusty moral compass in one hand, hopes of holding someone’s hand in my other.
Of all.
Understanding people.
Not ‘life-quest commitment type’ (one should never rule that out), but rather ‘cannot imagine an end to that first meeting’ type. I declare myself – clearly, for the first time in a long period of casually browsing, to be seriously interested in meeting one fascinating woman. Let the interviews begin … in search of she.
Nobody has to follow anyone else, agree with anyone else or make choices for collective goodness in life. While I might often speak of finding someone, some extraordinary woman, interesting, age-appropriate, attractive, kind, and like-minded, the truth of this matter is I am looking for something complex-ified, less simple to describe, someone tangible – touchable, grab-able, hold-able and a sweet treat, to be mutually and simultaneously captured by a mind, enthralled by a personality and entangled. Like spaghetti.
Mark Kolke
column written/ published from Calgary, AB
morning walk: 0C/32F, clear, big moon over-saw our pre-dawn walk, nippy with a warming trend – knee resting today after 9-holes yesterday, resting for tomorrow. Gusta grudgingly happy as we walked a little longer and a tiny bit faster. Knees and ankles say ‘thank you heat-pad, thank you Tylenol Arthritis, thank you Emilie the massage-magician’…
Reader feedback:
Love this one Mark! Good work buddy, JA, Atlanta, GA
Now, tell us what you really think...GW, Bon Wier, Tx.
How true these words are...! Several years ago I wrote an article called "Getting to a No Answer" on this exact topic. It related the experience of a prospective client who loved my programs but needed authorization to hire me. He kept delaying and delaying until finally, after 6 months of regular follow-ups, I gave him permission to say "NO". What a relief it was to finally get the truth! No more time wasting for either of us, and I was able to move on to other prospects and opportunities! I would rather have the truth and a million "NO's" than even 1 "Maybe". Frankly, I don't care how other people perceive direct communication any more - honesty and truth save time and all of us can spend our time more productively!, MM, Phoenix, AZ